Privacy policy

This is the main privacy policy for the Wapress Africa Group (referred to as “Wapress Africa,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) and applies to any of our products or services you use on our platforms, including our websites, mobile sites, mobile applications, emails, or any other technology or service you use to access our offerings. The terms “personal information,” “special personal information,” and “processing” used in this document will have the meanings as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.

It is essential that you read this privacy policy alongside other terms, conditions, privacy notices, or policies that we may provide on specific occasions when we collect or use your personal information. This privacy policy complements these notices and policies and is not intended to replace them.

We are committed to respecting your privacy and take the protection of personal information very seriously. This privacy policy outlines how we handle the personal information we collect about you and/or receive from you. By using our platforms, you agree to our collection and use of your information as described in this privacy policy.

If you are under 18 years of age, you must obtain permission from your parent or guardian before using our platforms or providing us with your information. Please be aware that we may verify that your parent or guardian has granted you permission to use our platforms and/or provide us with your personal information. We may request their contact details to confirm this permission and may also verify the accuracy of the contact information provided to ensure it belongs to your actual parent or guardian.

We collect personal information that is necessary for us to provide you with our services as advertised. We only collect and use the minimum amount of personal information required to deliver and improve our services.

Examples of personal information we may collect and process include:

  • Your name, email address, physical address, and phone number.
  • Location information.
  • In certain circumstances, with your explicit consent, we may collect and process sensitive personal information such as your race or ethnic origin, gender, age, religious or philosophical beliefs, financial information, health or biometric data, culture, language, and education or employment history.

We collect and receive information about you in the following ways:

  1. Information You Provide to Us:
    We collect your personal information through direct interactions with you, including when you:
    • Complete forms, sign up for an account, or register to access or use our services.
    • Enter promotional competitions or complete surveys.
    • Post comments or content on our platforms.
    • Purchase our products or services.
    • Contact us directly.
  2. Information We Automatically Collect or Receive When You Use Our Platforms, Products, or Services:
    We may automatically collect information about the equipment you use to access our platforms, your browsing actions, and patterns. This is done through cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies.
    • Cookies:
      A cookie is a small text file that our server sends to your hard drive when you visit our platforms. These cookies store data specific to you and our platforms, allowing our system to recognize you on subsequent visits. If you prefer not to use cookies while accessing our platforms, you can change your browser settings to disable them. However, disabling cookies may limit the functionality and features of our platforms.
    • Web Beacons:
      A web beacon is a small image file that we place on our platforms or in an email. We use web beacons to track how many times a webpage is accessed, the time of access, and the location of users who accessed it.
  3. Depending on how you access and use our platforms, we may collect:
    • Log Information:
      This includes data on how, when, and for how long you use our platforms and other services, the content you view, and the search queries you submit.
    • Device Information:
      Information about the equipment you use to access our platforms, including the type of device, your browser, operating system, and your Internet Protocol (IP) address.
    • Location Information:
      The geographic location from which you accessed our platforms, including your device’s GPS signal and information about nearby Wi-Fi networks and cell towers. We obtain this information when you use location-enabled services.
  4. [Click here to read our group policy on cookie consent.]
  5. Information from Third-Party Sources:
    We may receive information about you from third parties (where you have consented to such third parties sharing your information with us) and combine it with the information we have collected about or received from you in other ways. We may also receive information about you when you log into our platforms using your social networking login details.

We use the personal information we collect and receive to:

  • Identify You:
    Verify your identity, create a user account for you, and enter into a contract with you.
  • Provide Services:
    Deliver the information, products, or services you request from us.
  • Fulfill Contractual Obligations:
    Comply with any contractual obligations we have in respect of providing information, products, or services to you.
  • Communication:
    Communicate with you regarding our platforms and provide you with information, products, or services, including billing, customer support, resolving complaints, and quality control.
  • Notify You of Changes:
    Inform you about changes to our platforms, services, products, terms and conditions, privacy policy, or notices, and any other updates that impact our platforms, services, or products.
  • Marketing:
    Send you information about competitions, products, or services that may interest you.
  • Enhance User Experience:
    Make our platforms more user-friendly.
  • Personalization:
    Tailor your interactions with our platforms, adjust our services to your interests and needs, and ensure they function effectively on your device.
  • Advertising:
    Provide relevant advertising, limit the number of times you see the same advertisement, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements on our platforms based on your online activities, such as the websites and apps you use or the content you view, and the information we have about you.
  • Feedback:
    Obtain feedback from you to develop our products and services and grow our business.
  • Business Interests:
    Protect our legitimate business interests, such as debt recovery, keeping our records up-to-date, and studying our customers or users’ products or services.
  • Legal Compliance:
    Comply with any legal or regulatory obligations, such as tax or financial laws.

We also use your personal information for research and statistical purposes. The research and statistics we derive from this process do not include your personal information, cannot be linked to you, and you cannot be identified from these statistics.

On some of our platforms, we may collect and process special personal information. We will only collect and process this information if you have explicitly consented to us collecting and processing it and solely for the purposes for which you provided consent.

We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without your permission.

We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide our platforms, products, or services to you, as required or permitted by law or the contract between you and us, or as you have agreed.

We do not sell your personal information to third parties for their marketing or any other purposes.

We may provide or make your personal information available to:

  1. Affiliated Companies:
    Other companies within the Wapress Africa Group to better understand our customers and create a more relevant and engaging customer experience.
  2. Service Providers:
    Companies that provide services to us or on our behalf, or enable us to provide services to you or operate our platforms, including contractors, debt collectors, lawyers, and auditors.
  3. Legal Obligations:
    Other parties where we are required to provide your personal information to comply with the law or protect our platforms.
  4. Business Transactions:
    Prospective and actual buyers in the event that we sell, transfer, or merge any part of our businesses or assets, or prospective and actual sellers in the event that we choose to buy or merge with any other business.
  5. Third Parties:
    If you have agreed to us sharing your personal information with third parties, such as when you enter a competition sponsored by a third party, where providing your information is a condition for entry, or when you express interest in a product or service and request more information.
  6. Content Providers and Advertisers:
    Other parties that provide content, advertising services, or functionality on our platforms. These third parties include:
    • Advertising Service Providers:
      Who help us and our advertising customers provide advertisements tailored to users’ interests.
    • Audience Measurement Companies:
      Which help us measure overall platform usage and compare that usage with other online services.
    • Social Networking Services:
      Such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, which you may use to register for and log into some of our services and share content from our platforms with your social network.
  7. We do not control the privacy practices of these or any other third-party services and recommend you read the privacy policies of these services before connecting to them. These third parties may collect or receive information about your use of our platforms, including through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies, and this information may be collected over time and combined with information collected across various websites and online services.

We also share our research and statistical information with various third parties. However, this information does not include your personal information, cannot be linked to you, and you cannot be identified from these statistics.

Please note that some of the people or companies who have access to your personal information may be located outside Abuja, Nigeria. We will not share your personal information with these parties unless they are bound by privacy laws and corporate rules or agreements with us that protect your privacy and limit their ability to share your personal information with other parties. We will obtain your permission before sharing your information with any third party.

You have the right to:

  1. Opt-Out:
    Request that we do not contact you for marketing purposes. You can exercise this right at any time by using the “opt-out” options we always provide in our marketing communications.
    • Please note that we manage several separate marketing distribution lists across the various Wapress Africa business units, and opting out of one list does not automatically remove you from all others.
  2. Access and Correct Information:
    Request access to the personal information we have collected about you and request that we correct or update any incorrect or incomplete information.
  3. Request Deletion:
    Request the deletion of your personal information.
    • Such requests can be submitted using the data subject access request form found [here].
  4. Lodge an Objection:
    Lodge an objection regarding our collection and use of your personal information by clicking [here].

We have implemented administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your personal information and prevent loss, damage, or unauthorized access or disclosure. These security measures are based on generally accepted information security practices and procedures applicable to our platforms, products, and services. We regularly review these safeguards to ensure they are correctly implemented and continually updated in response to new risks or identified deficiencies.

Please note that any information you submit to us through the internet is done at your own risk. Once we receive your personal information, our security safeguards apply.

If we outsource any services to a third party that requires the collection or use of your personal information, we establish contracts requiring these companies or individuals to respect the security of your personal information, treat it in accordance with the law, and use it only for the purposes authorized by us.

Our platforms contain links to and from third-party websites, mobile applications, and services, advertisers, and affiliates. Clicking on these links or enabling these connections may allow third parties to collect or share information about you. We do not evaluate nor control these third parties and are not responsible for their privacy practices when you leave our platforms. We recommend you read the privacy statements of every website you visit that collects personal information.

Wapress Africa is based in Abuja, Nigeria, and regardless of where you use or access our platforms, products, or services, your information may be transferred to and maintained on servers located in Abuja or elsewhere in the world.

Any information that we collect about you or receive from you is stored in compliance with Abuja’s privacy laws, regulations, and standards, which may not be equivalent to the laws in your country of residence.

This version of the privacy policy was last updated on [7 August 2020] and replaces any preceding privacy policies.

We may occasionally update this privacy policy. Any changes we make will be posted on this page, and we will notify you of the update in the appropriate manner. When you use our platforms, the version of the privacy policy posted on this page applies to you. We encourage you to review this privacy policy whenever you access our platforms.