Renowned gospel artist Moses Bliss and his wife, Marie, are celebrating the arrival of their first child, a baby boy. The joyful announcement was shared on social media, where the couple expressed their gratitude to God and shared their excitement about this new chapter in their lives.
Moses Bliss, known for hits like “Too Faithful”, posted a heartfelt message:
“Baby see our baby! God has blessed us with a bundle of joy, and we are overwhelmed with gratitude. Thank you, Lord, for this gift of life.”
Marie Bliss also took to her platform to share her happiness, stating, “Our hearts are full of joy as we welcome our prince. God is faithful!”
Fans, colleagues, and well-wishers have flooded their posts with congratulatory messages and prayers, celebrating the couple’s blessing. The gospel community has particularly rejoiced, seeing this as another testimony of God’s faithfulness in their lives.
The couple, who got married in a beautiful ceremony in 2023, have consistently been an inspiration to many, both through their music and their unwavering faith. The birth of their son marks a milestone in their journey together and is a source of immense joy for their growing family.