Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a historic visit to Nigeria on Sunday, marking a new chapter in the bilateral relationship between the two nations. During the visit, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu conferred on Modi the prestigious title of Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger (GCON), one of Nigeria’s highest national honors. The gesture symbolizes the deepening ties between India and Nigeria, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and diplomatic cooperation.
Modi, warmly received in Abuja, became the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Nigeria in over three decades. In a lighthearted yet memorable moment during the visit, Modi referred to Tinubu as “Ore Mi,” a Yoruba phrase meaning “My Friend.” The statement, which quickly trended across social media, was seen as a display of camaraderie and mutual respect between the leaders.
President Tinubu praised Modi for his commitment to fostering closer ties between India and Africa’s largest economy. “India has been a valuable partner to Nigeria, and today, we strengthen that bond for the benefit of our people,” Tinubu said. He also highlighted the importance of cooperation in key sectors such as technology, healthcare, and renewable energy.
The visit also provided an opportunity for both nations to finalize several pending agreements aimed at enhancing trade and investment. Key discussions revolved around expanding access to Nigerian crude oil for Indian refiners and increasing India’s investments in Nigeria’s manufacturing and infrastructure sectors. Modi expressed optimism about the prospects, noting that both countries stand to benefit immensely from the enhanced economic relationship.
India is currently Nigeria’s largest trading partner, with annual bilateral trade exceeding $15 billion. Modi’s visit is expected to open doors for even greater collaboration, particularly in boosting Nigeria’s non-oil exports to India and attracting Indian companies to invest in Nigeria’s emerging industries.
Observers have hailed the visit as a diplomatic success, with Tinubu’s conferral of the GCON title on Modi seen as a significant diplomatic gesture. The honor, typically reserved for prominent Nigerians and distinguished foreign leaders, underscores the strategic importance Nigeria places on its relationship with India.
As the visit concludes, both nations have expressed their commitment to translating the agreements reached into tangible benefits for their citizens. Modi’s historic visit has not only solidified existing ties but also charted a path for a future of mutual growth and prosperity.